Public holidays and working time fund 2025
In 2025, there are 12 free days due to public holidays, of which 10 fall on working days.
There are a total of 251 working days and 2005 working hours in the working time fund.
Month | Public holidays | Working days (M - F) | Working hours (9-17) |
Total | 251working days | 2005working hours | |
January |
| 22 | 176 |
February |
| 19 | 152 |
March | 21 | 168 | |
April |
| 21 | 168 |
May |
| 21 | 168 |
June |
| 19 | 152 |
July | 23 | 184 | |
August |
| 20 | 160 |
September | 22 | 176 | |
October | 23 | 184 | |
November | 20 | 160 | |
December |
| 20 | 157 |
Free and shortened working days 2025
The table of free days has been compiled based on the Public Holidays and Days of National Importance Act.
The calculation of working hours takes into account shortened working days in accordance with § 53 of the Employment Contracts Act and the Public Holidays and Days of National Importance Act, which shortens the preceding working day by three hours on the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia
- Victory Day
- Christmas eve